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Kimber Watkins

What type of prints are you leaving behind?

Updated: Aug 19, 2021



1. A mark made by pressing something onto a softer substance so that its outline is reproduced

2. A lasting impression or effect

Kellen’s eyes sparkled and danced as he laughed while sharing his story of the dream handprint horse he created, Rocket the Flying Dragon Horse. Blackhawk stood by in the stall overseeing Kellen’s master creative forces in play and thought it was equally hilarious as Kellen told him all about Rocket!

Kellen explored the visible prints we leave behind he identified and matched Hoofprints in the sand to the horses, footprints to people and created handprint horses. He also learned that the invisible prints left through our behavior, actions, and attitude leave a mark just as powerful and often last much longer! The way we choose to treat others determines if the impression we leave behind is positive or negative. Those choices hold the power to help or hurt, or to heal or hinder ourselves and others around us. Kellen identified several great ways we can leave prints with purpose including being kind, loving and respectful to others.

We want to challenge you today to be mindful of the visible and invisible prints you are leaving behind AND to leave prints with passion and purpose! What can you do today to leave a positive imprint on someone you know…and someone you don’t?

Kellen is a part of our TRAIL Blazers Youth Empowerment program. TRAIL Blazers is a small group mentor horseMANship program focused on empowering children by developing life skills necessary for the TRAIL: Trust, Respect, Adventure, Integrity, and Leadership. This process is about building connected relationships, experiencing, being creative, exploring, problem solving, and discovering practical applications of what they are learning in the moment. Development of life skills such as healthy relationships, confidence, emotional awareness, self-regulation, responsibility, coping and social skills helps children in our program become successful at home, school, and in their communities.

Activities include:

Safety & basic horse care

Navigate obstacles & the trail

Ground work

Team building & cooperation

Basic riding skills

Fun crafts and projects

If you are interested in learning more about our Equine Assisted Youth programs we would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out!

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