Our Volunteer Challenge honors and recognizes the powerful impact our volunteers are making in the lives of others! Accumulate volunteer hours by helping with any HOPE activity, event, challenge or by gaining additional HOPE support with volunteers, sponsorships and promotion. Any time spent helping at HOPE will count towards volunteer hours.
Our volunteers are the heart of HOPE. Their dedication, enthusiasm and commitment make it possible to serve more people. We are thankful for each and every person! All volunteers automatically qualify to accumulate for year-end awards and the VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Buckle! Sign up to become a volunteer today!
Ride for a Reason
HOPE offers three 10 week, 40-hour, youth and adult equine assisted personal growth program focused on building life skills through the study of horse behavior and natural horsemanship per year. Veterans, 1st Responders, their families and Kids in Care participate at NO COST to them! In addition we offer partial scholarship to other families in need. We are able to do this thanks to the Orlandini Foundation, our Sponsors & Volunteers! A donation is made from every challenge to help keep these programs FREE to participants! Thank you for your support!
Fee: $35.
Volunteer T-shirt
Volunteer Name Tag
35 Sponsorship Points
A donation is made to HOPE's EAS programs from
each bundle! Thank you for supporting HOPE!
To become a HOPE Volunteer complete and submit
the LHTC Volunteer Application .
Challenge Timeframe: January 1st- December 31, 2024
Accumulate points the entire duration of the
year! Start whenever you would like!
Qualifying Points:
Helping during any EAS program activities.
1- program hour = 1-point
Earn double points for helping at any event/challenge.
1-event hour = 2-points
Refer & enroll other volunteers!
1-volunteer enrolled = 1-point
Gain HOPE sponsorships!
Each sponsorship dollar = 1-point
(Ex. $100 Trot Sponsor = 100 pts)
Promoting HOPE!
Share, promote, give a shoutout, or provide a testimony
for any HOPE/LHTC program, activity or event.
Tag: HOPE/LeavingHoofprints, #LeavingHoofprints4HOPE,
#HOPE, and/or #LeavingHoofprints for points to qualify.
1 promotion = 10 points
Buckle Series: Your Volunteer Challenge Enrollment
includes LHTC Single Membership. All accumulated points
qualify for the LHTC Buckle Series.
Grand Champion is high point for the year and receives a
buckle! Additional prizes awarded for Reserve Champion - 5th.
Log your hours online here or click on the link below.
Challenges are on the honor system so be true to yourself
and other participants.
Premier Mount N Trail Association: Members who are also members
of PMT can log all qualifying RIDE hours. Find out more about PMT
membership here and RIDE program here.