DATE: MAY 18, 2024
CLINIC LOCATION: HOPE Therapeutic Riding Center North Facility
CLINIC ADDRESS: 2000 N. Walnut Rd, Rochester, IL 62563
CONTACT NUMBER: 217-816-8802
REQUIREMENTS: Rope Halter, Stick and String, 12-14' Lunge Line, Tack and Negative Coggins. Protective Headgear: A helmet is required for anyone under 18 years of age. Helmets are recommended for everyone; however, adults can choose a helmet or a cowboy hat.
Costs: Participants $145 and Spectators $25
Limited to 12 participants. Includes BBQ lunch.
This clinic is designed for beginner's wanting to learn the ins and outs of mountain trail and how to safely and confidently maneuver your horse over obstacles and through the course. We want to have fun while building a strong and confident partnership, keeping safety at the highest priority. In the morning, we will start on the ground and do all of the obstacles in-hand. You will need a rope halter, stick and string, and a 12-14' lead line. We will take a break for lunch, and then come back to the course tacked up and ready to ride! We will work all of the obstacles under saddle and even work a couple patterns! This is a fun and laid-back clinic for anyone, whether you are planning to show or working to advance your partnership, obstacles are a great and fun way to do just that. Spectators are welcome to join to watch the clinic! Spectators can not bring a horse. BBQ lunch is included with their ticket purchase. See you on the course!
BBQ lunch includes BBQ pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, potato chips, side salad and tea or lemonade to drink.
This clinic is presented by Kelly Chapman! President of PMT, Kelly Chapman has been involved with PMT since its inception. She has been training, coaching, and giving obstacle clinics and lessons professionally for over 15 years. Kelly has traveled throughout the country and internationally judging and teaching the mountain trail discipline, and is the senior judge for PMT. She currently resides in Akron, Ohio where she runs her training facility and boarding barn starting colts, teaching several different disciplines from mountain trail, ranch riding, and english. Kelly "loves the partnership and trust that obstacle work builds between horse and rider."
Find out more about Kelly Chapman and Premier Mount N Trail at www.premiermountntrail.com

HOPE is excited to announce our partnership with Premier Mount N Trail Association for Leaving Hoofprints Trail Challenge Events! All Leaving Hoofprints Trail Challenges qualify for Premier Mount N Trail Association year-end awards for PMT members. LHTC follow PMT event standards.