I don't know about you but February was a very difficult month for me. Overall it was awful. I have learned through life that painful lessons serve the soul just as well as kindness. Sometimes they are necessary, needed and forces us to make a change even though it hurts. The entire month pretty much sucked my energy into depletion….but March is here and March brings new beginnings. I for one am looking forward to that!!
The Spring Equinox is on the horizon and is a joyous holiday bringing along with the promise of new life, new hope and a new start. This festival provides one of two days of the year where the light aligns making day and night equal. With the Spring Equinox the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance...as well as the return of some much needed balance in our own lives.
This year the Spring Equinox will take place on March 20th at 4:37am here in Central Illinois marking entry into the East gate and the start of Spring. I don’t know about anyone else but I am looking forward to entering a new beginning, a new season, a new gate! Goodbye Winter!
March begins the lengthening of light as we awaken each morning to a new longer day of crisp sunshine. The cold blue of the North gives way to the bright yellow of the East. The days grow longer and the ground grows warmer allowing seeds of new life to germinate and grow. East is the season of Spring, new birth, and growth. Bringing freshness, delicacy, creativity, perception, passion, impulse, new inspiration, beginnings, and a fresh new life.
The element of the East is fire (Spirit) providing illumination and enlightenment that opens the spiritual eye. Fire easily can burn and bring great pain; however, fire also ignites, refines, purifies, transforms, fertilizes, and brings warmth. There are many people out there along with me feeling the transformation that comes from being forged in the fire. COVID has brought many changes this past year; good, bad, ugly and indifferent. Many have been forced to reexamine and restructure their current lives...I know I certainly have. I have felt the sting of the fire through the trials and tests in my own life significantly this past year. Through it I feel myself slowly being refined as I am shaped and molded into the person the Great Spirit intends me to be. (I’m not there yet, but I’m working on her!!) Sometimes I am a little hard headed and need to receive a lesson more than once before I get the point...but everyday I am growing, learning and becoming better than who I was yesterday.
Recently, well much of this year so far, I have been seeing Eagles. I started the new year off with an Eagle and I continue to regularly see an Eagle near the barn, along North Walnut Rd, and on the South Fork river. I knew with the first sighting on January 2nd that a major life change and new beginning was about to happen. Eagles bring good medicine. The appearance of the Eagle is a sign of inspiration and a message from the Creator. You don’t know what you can accomplish until you truly push yourself. With Eagle medicine you are able to find the confidence and strength to reach heights you never thought possible.
The Eagle is a herald of new beginnings and is the Spirit animal of the East as well as hawks, owls, hummingbirds, and other birds. The term “eagle’s vision” originated from their capacity to see the big picture clearly from far away and being able to zone in on the smallest details all at the same time. The eagle has significant connection with visions and carries the prayers to the Spirit world. Eagle symbolizes wisdom, intuition, freedom, strength, courage, hope, resilience, healing, vision, and sexual power.
Overall Spring is a joyful time; everything in nature is waking up and being reborn ~ the same thing is happening to you! Your Spirit is coming alive and there is a hopeful, excited energy in the air. Your Spirit is nudging you that it’s ready to make a fresh start.
Your work right now is to determine which of Winter’s dreams are you ready to focus Spring’s powerful growth energy on. Which seeds are you going to plant in the ground to tend and harvest?
At the beginning of this season many new ideas will be calling out. Many things will be buzzing with inspiration and enthusiasm. This month is about figuring out your fresh start! What excites you right now? What are you feeling led to do? What new inspirations are stirring in your soul?
Approach your dreams and new ideas with a child-like Spirit. What messages are you receiving from the Creator? What areas do you feel are being refined in the fire? What are you ready to let go of? What are you ready to begin? What is really calling your heart?
This is the season of illumination. Spring brings clarity. You may want to tap into Eagle medicine! This is the time to get really clear on what you want to see grow in your life and what you want to harvest. In order to gain clarity….you need to step into action, jump in wholeheartedly and just go for what is calling you.
Spring and Summer bring powerful growth energy. If you are not clear on where to focus that energy it can feel overwhelming and chaotic. Your energy will get pulled in many different directions and it will burn you out. If you are really clear on where you want to see new growth, you have the power to transform your life.
If you want to gain clarity this month try out new ideas, connect with Spring’s playful curious energy. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant and what you would like to harvest in the months ahead then step into action.
